How to work on a commit log in git.

November 30, 2020

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Once I changed direction to go and went back to a commit log and worked from the past log. Then I made a commit. I wanted to merge it into master but I didn't know how to do it, so I basically lost the progress, and worked again in a new branch 😱

I don't want to repeat the same thing again, so I leave a note here.

Go back to your commit history

Before move on the solution, this is how to check your commit log with git log command.

I personally prefer using --oneline to check commit history since it shows the right length of commit id and commit message unless you want to check full commit log id or commit time.

$ git log --oneline 15af9c0 HEAD -> add/contents, origin/add/contents) Add Card to Main. 0f760d3 Add Footer component to App. 0650a76 Add Main and Nav components.

This is ho it looks without --oneline command:

$ git log commit 15af9c0b74f2df170c38148175d4ecc636a38a58 (origin/add/contents, add/contents) Author: Misaki Koonce Date: Wed Dec 2 17:30:44 2020 -0800 Add Card to Main. commit 0f760d3fe832737d6bf4f6a466907aea11129fb5 Author: Misaki Koonce Date: Wed Dec 2 17:12:32 2020 -0800 Add Footer component to App. commit 0650a76612e77299aa09deef5f42e2d73cc6cc0d Author: Misaki Koonce Date: Wed Dec 2 17:04:30 2020 -0800 Add Main and Nav components.

Make a new commit from the past commit

Let's make a new commit from 0f760d Add Dooter component to App.

First, you need to go back to the past commit using commit id.

$ git checkout 0f760d3

Second, delete unpublished commits or stash them. I personally prefer to stash the changes from the original place in case, so I stash everything.

$ git stash --include-untracked

If you are sure that you won't use any of the changes from the original commit, it's 15af9c0 in this case, you can run reset command.:

$git reset --hard 0f760d3

Third, make updates in 0f760d3 and make commits! Once you commit, of course, create a new commit log out of 0f760d3:

1eed1a6 (HEAD) Add Card component with hard-coded contents. 0f760d3 Add Footer component to App. 0650a76 Add Main and Nav components.

Since the HEAD is detached from add/content 15af9c0 commit, even if you checkout 15af9c0 and see commit log, you won't see 1eed1a6 (HEAD) commit. This means 1eed1a6 commit won't affect any branches of my project.

Finally, merge this commit into master! This is the point that I didn't know how, and I thought I lost my new commits from 0f760d3.

$ git checkout master $ git merge master 1eed1a6

This is it! So simple 🥳 I needed to use a specific commit id to merge into other branch.

This is how the commit log looks like from master branch after merge:

1eed1a6 (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Add Card component with hard-coded contents. 0f760d3 Add Footer component to App. 0650a76 Add Main and Nav components.

FYI, You can also make branch when you're in 1eed1a6:

$ git checkout -b new-branch-name

This might be better if you keep working from the commit, 1eed1a6.