How to query multiple markdown files in the same component in Gatsby

September 16, 2020

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When I was making my portfolio, it took a while to figure out how to query two markdown files in the same component. I wanted to pass queried markdown data of writings and projects to the WritingsSection and ProjectSection components in /pages/index.js instead of using staticQuery in each of the components.

Why was it hard?

I thought I could get an object with two allMarkdownRemark data objects to add filter of fileAbsolutePath like this:

export const pageQuery = graphql` query { allMarkdownRemark( filter: { fileAbsolutePath: {regex: "/(markdown-projects)/.*\\.md$/"} }, sort: { fields: frontmatter___date, order: DESC } ) { edges { node { frontmatter { title tags date description } } } } allMarkdownRemark( filter: {fileAbsolutePath: {regex: "/(markdown-writings)/.*\\.md$/"}}, sort: {fields: frontmatter___date, order: DESC} ) { edges { node { frontmatter { title tags date description } } } } } `;

Expected data object was:

{ allMarkdownRemark: {...}, allMarkdownRemark: {...} }

Of course, the data object became undefined because the same key name cannot exist in an object.

How to solve this

To solve this problem, you can name the allMarkdownRemark object inside the pageQuery.

You can just add a key name with a colon before allMarkdownRemark:

query { projects: allMarkdownRemark( filter: { fileAbsolutePath: {regex: "/(markdown-projects)/.*\\.md$/"} }, sort: { fields: frontmatter___date, order: DESC } ) { edges { node { frontmatter { title tags date description } } } } writings: allMarkdownRemark( filter: {fileAbsolutePath: {regex: "/(markdown-writings)/.*\\.md$/"}}, sort: {fields: frontmatter___date, order: DESC} ) { edges { node { frontmatter { title tags date description } } } } }

The data object becomes:

{ projects: {...}, writings: {...} };


Add a key name for each allMarkdownRemark object when you query multiple markdown files in the same component.

My /pages/index.js/ looks like this:

const MainView = ({ data }) => { const { projects, writings } = data; const projectsData ={ node }) => { const { title, date, description, tags } = node.frontmatter; const { src } = thumbnail.childImageSharp.fluid; return { name: title, date: date, description: description, tags: tags, }; }); const writingsData ={node}) => { const { title, date, description, tags } = node.frontmatter; return { name: title, date: date, description: description, tags: tags, } }) return ( <Layout> <WritingSection cards={writingsData} /> <ProjectSection cards={projectsData} /> </Layout> ); }; export default MainView; // pageQuery and styling comes below